Please Note:
Due to Coronavirus, no clubs or groups are running currently. To find out when they may restart, please contact the organisers listed below.
Welcombe & Meddon WI
Calling all you LADIES. Young at Heart, Old in Body- Old in heart, young in body, whatever shape or form!
Your WI (Women’s Institute for those who need to guess) needs you! Well, would like you to join, and what a better time to join than now 15 months for the price of 12.
You don’t even have to join, for the small sum of £3.50 each time you could come for up to 3 times just to see if you like us and what we do, we’re not all ogres some of us aren’t even that old and mostly we have a jolly good time. You could contact Sheila Wade 01288 331391 (Chair), Lesley Wall (Secretary), or Lisa Wade 01288 331794 for a more informal approach.
A branch of the Women’s Institute was formed here in Welcombe on the 8th December 1932. The elected committee at that time were Mrs. Wheeler, President, Mrs. Clark Vice-president, Mrs. Bond Teasurer, Miss Clark Secretary, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. E. Oke and Miss Ward being the remaining Committee members. For unknown reasons (does anyone know why?) this WI was dissolved a year later and on the same evening the United Womens Guild was formed.
On the 22nd March 1934 the Meddon & Welcombe WI was formed and has continued from strength to strength since that time.
Welcombe Bridge Club
Welcombe Bridge Club meets at the Village Hall on Wednesday evenings.
We have been delighted to welcome some more players, and would gladly welcome more. Rusty former players, dabblers wanting to progress or Whist players wanting a bit more cerebral involvement, all would be welcome.
Interested? Phone Stephen on 01237 440032 or email
Welcombe Bellringers
Welcombe Bellringers meet at the Church at 7.30 to 9.00pm on Monday evenings. Our numbers have been added to in the last year or so, and we now ring every Sunday when there is a service. New recruits are always welcome. If you are interested in learning this ancient and fascinating hobby, contact: Howard Pankhurst Howard Pankhurst 01288 331273, Stephen Yeomans 01237 441254 or Mick Dollimore 01288 331700
Lunch Club
Welcombe Lunch Club is held twice a month at the Village Hall with a three course meal. Anyone is welcome to come along but please let us know in advance for the catering. If you wish to know more, or want to know the dates, please call Sheila Wade 01288 331391 or Helen on 01288 33427.
Skittles Club
The Skittles Club season runs from September to March. The club is part of the Bideford League and teams of six play in the skittle alley at the village hall. The men play on Mondays and the ladies play at home on Thursdays with away matches often on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Welcombe Spinners & Weavers
This well established group meets most Wednesdays at the Village Hall throughout the year. Their shared inerests include spinning, weaving, natural and synthetic dyeing and feltmaking. They organise an interesting programme of visiting tutors, share their skills and exhibit and demonstrate locally. If you would like to join them please contact Pauline on 01288 331523.
Games and Skittles Evenings
These evenings are open to any youngsters ages 9 – 15 from Welcombe and the surrounding hamlets who enjoy playing skittles, table tennis, pool, card games and table football. For the last couple of months they have enjoyed playing ball games outside as well. The sessions run from 7pm until 9pm at the Village Hall.
If you know of anyone in the age bracket of 9-15 years who would like to attend, Please contact Diana on 331252.